Saturday, August 18, 2007

Our little Niblet

You all know Mike loves to make up nicknames for Maddie... the latest is "Niblet" and I think it's pretty fitting because I could just eat her up!!!

P.S. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Noelle & Zak!!! I cannot believe that it has been a whole year since your wedding. I hope you are as happy as the day you were married... actually even happier now that Murray Jr. is on the way! Congrats to your little family.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Lauren! We had a lot of fun. We are so happy to be married for a year! It has gone by so fast. I'm kinda sad now because now everyday isn't a new day with eachother anymore. Does that make sense? We've already been married on August 19th, 20th, 21st... and so on. But, this past year, everyday was a new day. Oh well... I guess we can just look forward to what the future holds! Hope to see you soon! :)

Adam Jensen said...

Oh my she is so cute!

Jensen's said...

look at her... my kids won't stand an ever livin chance next to her. little bright blue eyes... how are those teeth coming??? dana

Anonymous said...

The teeth are poking through! I can feel the sharp edges so now they just have to come all the way in. She still has her moments but hopefully is better until the next batch. I wonder if babies start getting used to the feeling and don't react so much???

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