Monday, August 27, 2007

My buddy, my pal

It was so fun to have Melinda, Greg, and the boys play with us for a day! They are such a cute family. We went to the peacock park again and Brenden was fearless running after the geese. Later we swam and Morgan & Bethany's pool, and that night we had them over for dinner at our house. The boys are soooo cute, and Melinda loved playing with Maddie and even changed two diapers. She is starting to sound a little baby hungry!! (She admits it herself.) It almost felt like old times, except that now there are a bunch of kids! :)

Little Miles has never taken a binki but he found Maddie's and knew exactly what to do with it! Look at those big happy eyes!For some reason we were kneeling when we decided to take a picture together. Mike said it looked like we were praying so we goofed it up a bit. Melinda, if you are reading this thanks SO much for visiting! You are so beautiful inside and out and I love that we are still friends!


(me)linda said...

Funny, I saw this post after I commented on your blog about how much fun I had with you. It's ok though, cuz I don't mind mentioning in again. It was a blast! Madison is absolutely delicious!! PS all you readers- there are no announcements of future babies here. It's just that a baby like Madie can make you think you can do it again. (Shoot! I need to quit admiting things like that!) :) Greg and I really love you and Mike. Thanks for letting us come!

Jensen's said...

You two always were so good lookin' look great Melinda. Say hi to Greg. Dad Jensen

LilypieExpecting a baby Ticker