Thursday, March 13, 2008

I've had it!

So i just got done with a seriously HUGE post and when i pushed publish it said "Error" or something like that and erased the whole thing! I am so frustrated. I might try again someday... it seems like this happens every time i try to blog... must be a sign. I am not destined to be a blogger.


Anonymous said...

Dana is this you? I know how you feel. I've done that tons of times. I've been waiting for you to update us on the new home... please try again!

Anonymous said...
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Jensen's said...

All is not lost!!!!! As you type Blogger auto saves for you! All you have to do is go to "Posts" and there is a big list of all your posts and drafts that have been saved. Your draft was there and I published it. :) Love, Lauren

Lindsay said...

I totally get your frustration, Dana! That's why I love applications like Google and this blogger that do autosaved drafts (yay Lauren to the rescue!). But even so, I've developed a habit of copying (Ctrl+C are the hotkeys) absolutely EVERYTHING before I hit "send" or "post" -- emails, comments, blogs, everything. That way if it messes up, I can just go back and paste (Ctrl+V usually) and it's back! Anyway, you probably know all that already, but I just wanted to share my own little preventative cure for that horrible feeling when you've worked on something for minutes or hours and then POOF! It's gone. :(

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