Monday, January 21, 2008


Hey everybody! So yesterday Mike and I were talking about his paid time off and paid holidays and thinking that we should outline a plan for how we will use it this year. Since it depends a lot on how all of you spend your holidays and birthdays, I thought we could get some discussion going so we can coordinate! I love spending any holiday as a family. Remember how fun President's Day was when we went ice skating? And we always love the fireworks together. Halloween was fun last year, and of course next Christmas is at home--YAY! This is by no means set in stone... just to get the juices flowing...

Emrie's arrival! SOON! -We are hoping to come the weekend after she is born
President's Day -Mike has a day off but we don't know what to do
Emrie's blessing, March? -We'll be there!
Maddie's 1st birthday! -Maybe celebrate in Utah on blessing weekend? If not, you are all invited to Vegas!
Noelle & Mom's birthdays
Memorial Day
Dana & Lauren's birthday -I want to be together this year, twiner!!
Dad's birthday and 4th of July -We are open to anything... Bear Lake?
Labor Day
Emily's birthday
Cole's birthday
Thanksgiving -In-laws
Christmas -HOME!!!
New Year's


Jensen's said...

Since I am not married yet i guess i don't really have as many issues with this but....i was just wondering which weekend is Presidents weekend? Is that Feb 8-10? I think that is when i am planning on heading down so i hope you will be there too! :)

Jensen's said...

good planning sis! i will evaluate the year ahead and see what we have going on. love you! dana

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