Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Sherwood Abode

For Noelle, Zak, Cole, and anyone else who wants an update:

Would you let this little hoodlum in? (She borrowed Auntie Dana's shirt to play in the rain!)

When Dana came home on Friday, this is what she found in the front room! SURPRISE!!! The family piano was totally rennovated and re-finished and Dad & Mom had it delivered as a house-warming gift. What a lucky girl, being the only one in the family that can really play the piano!

Here's a view of the inside all cleaned up wth parts replaced.

The best part is that they had the player fixed and it works now! Player pianos are so rare, it's really a relic! Below is a video of it in action.

So back to the house, here is a view from the front door. Don't mind all the clutter--it comes from having 6 visitors! Sorry D.

Here's a view from the living room to the kitchen. The new rug and pillows are gorgeous.

And now the bathrooms! Very important! Here's the master...

and the downstairs powder...

and the upstairs hall bathroom.

This is a good view of the backyard from the back door. Landon is up on the top of their property, contemplating the possibilities...

This is a view out the master windows. Not only do they live on a cul de sac, but it's elevated above the valley and they have the best view! This doesn't even show Timp off to the left.

And now a tour up the stairs.

THE GREEN LAUNDRY ROOM! Mom, Dana, and Emily were busy all weekend painting. Dana is brave and picked a crazy bright color and it turned out really cute! It will be adorable when she adds all her shelving and accents. Definitely a happy place for crafting.

Here's a sample of the paint color for the master bedroom. It's very muted but you can see the contrast between the white and blue. It's cool, calm, and beautiful.

The girls at work!

And finally, here's the brown accent wall. It actually got a coat of different brown later--more cocoa instead of reddish. But this gives you the idea.

We can't leave out a few pics of the family!

Grandpa and Maddie were always on the lookout for bugs.

Hilarious candid shot! Try to guess what everyone was thinking...

We had a great weekend together--painting, playing, a girl's trip to Tai Pan, watching tennis and college game day, going to baby Atley's blessing in Ephriam, and other various activities. Maddie loved all the attention and will be talking about everyone for weeks. Don't worry Noelle, Zak, and Emrie--we thought of you guys a lot and of course kept track of you through the storm. We can't wait to be all together again soon! XO -Lauren


Adam Jensen said...

Dana! Your home is gorgeous! That is so sweet your parents gave you that gorgeous piano. My friend had a player piano, they are cool. Glad you had so much help with painting and moving!

Anonymous said...

Dana! It is gorgeous!!! I really had no idea what to expect... but it way exceeds my expectations! It seems really open and light. I love the rug in the living room and the brown accent wall in your room. I also love the piano right there at the door. I love the kitchen and the bathrooms! I love the laundry room too! I can't wait to see it and experience it for myself. I am so glad everyone was there to help. 5 days to go! :) Thanks for posting Lauren (or whoever did!)

Jensen's said...

This looks just as fun as it actually was. Thanks Lauren for being the family historian. Dana your house looks very beautiful on-line, I'm glad that you got the brown fixed so you love it.

Ashley and Dave said...

The house is, of course, awesome, and ready for a visit from us! ;) This is what everyone is thinking in the pic.

Emily- The boy I kissed last weekend had really nasty breath. Ew.
Lauren-Bloody wind
Randy-Mmmmm, Maddie's shampoo smells like strawberries.
Maddie-(grunting)mom, I got a suprise for you!
Dana-I am going to look back on this picture and hate my hair, I should have washed it this morning.
Landon-Gosh Dana, you should have washed your hair this morning, you stink.

LilypieExpecting a baby Ticker